How to Care Monstera Plant

How to Care Monstera Plant

The Monstera likes bright sunlight. This plant thrives if you can give it light in its native environment.


The Monsteras like to sit in moist soil. As soon as the soil at the top of the pot is dry, you need to water it.


Monsteras like moist soil, but they don't like wet soil very well. To give the Monstera the right amount of water to grow in, you should use well-draining soil.


Monsteras are fond of the humidity. They thrive in humid environments because they are similar to their native environments.


Along with humidity and plenty of indirect sunlight, this plant loves warmer temperatures. The Monstera is a great example of a houseplants that thrive in normal temperatures.



It is necessary to repot your monstera every two years if it does well.

You shouldn't fertilize the Monstera during the fall and winter because it's not good for the Monstera.


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