How to Care Staghorn Fern

How to Care Staghorn Fern

It might take some adjustment to understand a plant so different from what most of us are used to, but staghorn care is fairly straightforward once you understand what the plant needs.


Staghorn ferns grow in rainforests, clinging to taller trees. Most direct sunlight is blocked out by the canopies of these trees.


A bright window, but not one that gets blasted by the sun all day, is what your staghorn fern will appreciate in the home. There is also artificial lighting that works.


The staghorn fern doesn't take up water through its roots so it's not really useful to water the traditional way. If you go that route, you will likely end up with a plant that is rotting.

There is plenty of humidity in the jungle and the staghorn fern is a typical jungle plant. It might not be a good place to live if your home has very dry air.



The staghorn fern is happy indoors at room temperature and although it can take a little bit of cold, it is probably best not to let things drop below 50 F/ 10 C.

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